New YMCA + Addition
2006 + 2015
53,000 sf
When project planning started for the proposed Jackson YMCA in 2003, a building footprint of 43,000 sf was programmed to serve approximately 7,500 members. The $6M construction budget was the maximum amount that could be raised by the community at that time. However, demographics and community surveys projected that the YMCA recreational facility had the potential to grow to over 10,000 members in 10 years. With this vision, a Master Plan was developed to address both current YMCA program needs and future membership growth. The entire health and wellness center was designed with specific additions planned and located for future space needs that could be built easily and with minimal disruption to ongoing YMCA operations. The Master Plan became the vision and catalyst for aggressive membership growth and facility expansion.
In 2012, more detailed health and wellness planning for the proposed additions in the Master Plan began to evolve. Although minor design revisions were made to accommodate changes in desired YMCA programs, the overall Master Plan remained intact. This recreational building template for growth was easily communicated to the membership, and fundraising goals were attained. Due to pre-planning, construction documents were completed quickly and very competitive construction costs were obtained in 2014. The benefits of this planning process were significant and wide-reaching.
[SHD’s] drive to explore the possible and challenge our traditional thinking has resulted in facilities that allow us to deliver outstanding member service and programs in ways that may not have been achieved without their partnership.
Craig Greenlee, COO, YMCA of Central Stark County
The project was a complete success. From the start of the project we had an expansion plan in place which offered us great time and cost savings for this building addition. All the planning at the start of the project really paid off. This was one of our best projects ever! The Jackson YMCA received the best building value possible for their money spent.
Craig Greenlee, COO, YMCA of Central Stark County
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